The Missing Link: Reconnecting the EU with its Citizens Through Renewables

For Europe to successfully transition to renewables, reforms must empower energy actors on the local level.

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Tackling Climate Change: A Job for Cities

Could global cooperation between cities, with mayors from all corners of the globe, be THE key to tackling climate change? We spoke to the mayors of Paris and San Francisco.

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Climate for Change: Why Local Politics Stretches Beyond City Limits

Berlin is pioneering innovative and sustainable schemes – Georg Kössler, member of its parliament, talks about how Greens got there and their wider impact.

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Gathering Storms: Forecasting the Future of Cities

Pablo Servigne outlines four vivid scenarios for what our cities could look like depending on which actions we could take now.

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Biopolitics of Disasters: Hurricane Irma and Climate Change

In the wake of Hurricane Irma and others, this Foucauldian concept opens the door on a new way of seeing climate change and responsibility.

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Think Global, Act Local: The Role of Regional Actors in Climate Protection

One state in Germany – alongside many in the US – is showing that sub-national actors can take a lead in protecting the climate.

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Are Some Cities Too Big To Be Saved? Hurricane Harvey and Lessons from South Texas

Recent extreme weather events in the US can teach Europe valuable lessons about how to prepare for similar situations.

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In Good Company: The German Energy Transition and its Echo in France

France and Germany historically represented two different approaches to producing energy. Are they growing closer?

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Ring the Alarm? Assessing the Threats to Europe’s Energy Security

Are some of the measures to promote energy security doing more harm than good, by creating a distraction from the real steps needed in light of climate change and increasing instability?

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It’s the Security, Stupid! How Greens Could Shape the EU’s Climate Security Policy

To foster real security in Europe, global environmental factors must be taken into account and integrated into security-building practices.

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