The Melodrama of Climate Change Denial

Melodrama is the genre of choice of the far right, through which it pays special attention to fights with environmentalists, feminists, and minorities.

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Resettling Villages, Unsettling Lives

Villagers have mobilised to fight both for their homes and for more ambition in German energy policy.

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Carbon Markets Are the Shortest Path to a Green New Deal

Longstanding problems with EU climate policy have been overcome and real money is on the table for the transition. The question is will it be enough.

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The Secret History of Radiation

Kate Brown talks to Aro Velmet about the secret history of radiation and what Chernobyl means in the era of climate change.

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The Strategic Implications of Renewable Energy

A coherent blueprint with political backing will be essential if the EU is to forge an effective energy security policy.

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The Children Who Accuse Us

Inside the climate movement, journalist Rosalie Salaün talks to young activists to understand what is driving them and where their politics is going.

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The Climate Justice Movement in the Czech Republic Has Broken the Silence. Now What?

Now that the issue of climate has entered the Czech public debate, how can progressives push for a paradigm shift in energy policy?

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Rational Hope: Connecting Hard Truth with Climate Solutions

Scientist Katharine Hayhoe discusses her experiences speaking truth to climate denialism and how rational hope must guide the way forward.

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Youth Lead the Way on the Climate Emergency

The eruption of a global youth climate movement has given the fight against climate warming a fresh face. In response to adults’ irresponsibility, children become guardians of humanity’s future.

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Imagining Climate Futures

Surrounded by water, the Dutch city of Dordrecht’s future is rendered uncertain by climate change. Research turned to stakeholders to map out four possible scenarios for the city.

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