Green Housing Threatens Affordability. But It Doesn’t Have To

Green renovations are driving up rents for the most vulnerable. Can the basic right to housing be made compatible with climate targets?

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Should Uganda Give Up Its Controversial Mega Oil Project?

Uganda’s East Africa pipeline is sharpening conflict inside and outside the country. Could abandoning the project be the answer?

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Life After Coal in Poland

In Poland, the debate on the ecological transition is polluted by government-driven pro-nuclear propaganda.

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The Green Colonialism of Norway’s Wind Power Boom

How is Norway’s wind power boom impacting indigenous communities and local power?

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Yes to Renewables for the Climate

Rosa Martínez Rodríguez spoke with Héctor Tejero about the backlash against renewables in Spain.

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Why the IPCC Can’t Escape Climate Politics

The world’s foremost institution for climate science steers an impossible path between evidencing climate change and avoiding controversy.

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Taking Energy Systems From Profit-Making to Ensuring Wellbeing

How can Europe introduce greater autonomy and wellbeing to its energy systems?

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The Slippery Slope of the Energy Descent

Swen Ore looks back at the history of rationing to imagine how a progressive decline in energy use might be managed.

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An Island of Security: the Renewable Energy Community of Ventotene

A photo essay on the inhabitants of a small Italian island creating energy security for their community.

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United in Diversity? Confronting Europe’s Energy Divides

Helen Thompson uncovers the roots of the energy crisis and the fractures within Europe when it comes to energy policy.

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