Poland Needs A Tripartite Climate Commission

In the Polish context, where environmental awareness and resistance to an energy transition is strong, a broad alliance among diverse actors in society is needed to tackle climate change, such as trade unions and other potential partners.

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“The climate debate is over”: An impression of the People’s Climate March

Images of the People’s Climate March that took place in New York on September 21st have circulated around the world, along with pictures from many other cities. Yet being a part of such a massive and important mobilisation, characterised more than ever by pluralism and diversity, was a truly unique sensation.

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Fighting global warming is a marathon, not a sprint

Climate change is the biggest threat and the greatest challenge that our civilisation has ever faced and no single country is able to solve this problem on its own. This is why World leaders must urgently achieve an ambitious and binding agreement.

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How Powerful Interests Undermine the Energy Transition in Europe

The European Union (EU) is currently setting out its climate and energy policy framework for 2030.

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Black Tradition, Green Future

Greens need to forge a broad alliance against neoliberalism with some unexpected allies, such as the coal miners. Ahead of COP 19 which takes place this year in Warsaw, Poland how can the green movement in Poland move forward?

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India’s Megalomaniac Nuclear Power Dreams

While Germany phases out its atomic energy production and the expansion of nuclear power in Europe is mostly slowed down or even put to a halt, the Indian government plans to increase the country´s nuclear power production capacity by a factor of 100.

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The Energiewende – the Result of a Powerful Mass Movement from Below

Fifteen years ago, the liberalisation of the energy market and passage of the Renewable Energy Resources Act turned Germany’s energy market on its head.

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