Finland, Land of Developing Agriculture

Development continues and the overall number of farms declines. What is it like to be a farmer in today’s Finland? Will the sector still attract new entrepreneurs in the future?

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Food Without the Go-Between

Food cooperatives are a way of ensuring a supply of local and socially sustainable food. However the barriers to their development should not be underestimated, including opposition from middlemen who have the most to loose. Looking at experiences in Brazil, Poland and the US, Katarzyna S?oboda charts a way forward.

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Food for the Soul, Not Just the Stomach: the Countryside’s Other Role

A focus on food production and protecting biodiversity should not be at the expense of a third key function of the countryside, access to it by the people.

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Another Food System!

The food revolution is a cultural and social revolution, claims the Editorial Board of the Green European Journal, who introduce its fifth edition.

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