A Food Policy for Europe

Instead of policy which pulls in different directions, Europe needs an integrated food policy that supports more local attempts at a sustainable and productive food system.

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Working with Nature or Against it?

The debate around glyphosate goes beyond whether it’s carcinogenic or not – it challenges our whole model of agriculture, but there is an alternative.

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When “Feeding the World” Puts Food Security at Risk

Are the giants of the agro-industry who claim they are determined to “Feed the world” in fact fostering food insecurity through exploitation and environmental degradation?

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Food Production in Europe: Time to Look Ahead

Food policy isn’t working. Does the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) address the problems, or can agroecology provide the answers?

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New Breeding Techniques: New GMOs in a Legal Limbo

The biotech industry are lobbying to exclude a new generation of genetic engineering techniques from the European GMO regulations.

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Sowing the Seeds of Resistance

Benjamin Joyeux interviews Indian activist Vandana Shiva about biodiversity, seed patents, and the commons.

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Grow Green: Tackling Climate Change Through Plant Protein Agriculture

There is a grave injustice at the heart of the global food system. Climate change has never been more prevalent, yet one of its principal perpetrators – the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption, species extinction, habitat loss, ocean dead zones and pollution, responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions (at least 14.5%) than all transport in the world combined – is being persistently ignored.

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From the Energy to the Agricultural Transition

Nearly 30,000 people took to the streets of Berlin on January 18, 2014 to protest the industrialisation of farming and the E.U.-U.S Free Trade Agreement currently under negotiation. In addition to making their demands heard, the organisers gave a voice and a face to Agrarwende, a citizen movement that is gaining steam in Germany and that calls for a rethinking of agriculture.

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Is the EU’s New Common Agricultural Policy Greener?

Though many of the Commission’s reform proposals have been watered down, the Greens scored some notable successes in ensuring a ‘greening’ of the CAP. What are these, and what do they mean for European farming?

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Sustainable Agriculture as a Path to Prosperity for the Western Balkans

There is potential for organic agriculture in the Western Balkans.

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