Can Europe’s farmland support biodiversity?

LIFE projects in the Netherlands offer pointers on how public policy can redress the balance between farming and biodiversity.

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Reopening GMO Rules Would Be a Dangerous Waste of Time and Money

The EU may be reopening rules on genetically modified food with serious implications for small farmers, consumers and the climate.

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Planting the Seeds of Tomorrow’s Agriculture

An agricultural specialist reports on the ground with the Belgian farmers adopting agroecology, the sustainable techniques that let nature do the work.

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The Common Agricultural Policy: Promoting the ‘Polluter Gets Paid’ Principle

A new investigation exposes how the CAP provides financial incentives for polluting farms to pursue harmful practices.

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EU Ban on Neonics: Too Little, Too Late

The most popular – and the most poisonous – insecticides are bringing us to the brink of a pollination crisis as EU legislation falls short.

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System Overhaul: Making Food Sustainable

The IPES-Food co-chair discusses CAP reform, agroecology, and how only an overhaul of the food system will make it sustainable.

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Agriculture 3.0 or (Smart) Agroecology?

Many EU policy-makers see precision agriculture as the answer to the question of food sustainability, but agroecology offers a genuinely sustainable solution already at hand.

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Have Your CAP and Eat It

An interview with Green MEP Thomas Waitz on the EU’s post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, and on the way forward to a food system that works for consumers, farmers, and the planet.

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Food security at stake: What the Bayer-Monsanto merger means for Europe

Bad for our health and bad for business – the Bayer-Monsanto merger threatens crop diversity around the world.

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Baysanto: The Campaign against the Merger from Hell

The merger of chemical giant Bayer with Monsanto could concentrate food industry power to an unprecedented extent.

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