Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist? 

Some claim that higher agricultural productivity is necessary to protect biodiversity. But such an approach can be counterproductive.

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Nitrogen Wars: How the Netherlands Hit the Limits to Growth

Food expert Jeroen Candel on the farmers’ protests that have reshaped Dutch politics.

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Alternatives to a Broken Food System

In this conversation, Priscilla Claeys and Benoît Biteau discuss how sustainable local food systems can protect food security globally.

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The Untold Story of the Food Crisis

Russia’s war on Ukraine marks a tipping point for a deeply unequal and flawed global food system.

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Cultivating Meat: A Food Revolution?

Meat products grown in a laboratory could soon be widely available but is this something environmentalists should welcome and support?

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Back in the Ground: Capturing Carbon through Farming

By increasing the carbon in soil, farmers could play a key role in offsetting emissions on a massive scale, making agriculture key to solving climate change.

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How Do We End This Carnage?

An anti-speciesist vision calls for a radical rethinking of our relationship to animals and an end to the idea of “responsible” livestock farming.

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Going Local: Reforming Europe’s Food Systems

We spoke to Linda Gaasch and Claude Gruffat on why Europe needs a fairer and healthier model centred on the needs of farmers, consumers and the environment.

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Connecting Health and Environment with an Agroecological Europe

An agroecological Europe could be the answer to a food system that’s bad for our health and damaging to our environment.

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Agroecology as the Answer to Global Food and Climate Crises

The moment is now to redefine our food systems around principles of sustainability and justice.

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