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Packed with original content, biannual editions of the Green European Journal explore in-depth a variety of topics ranging from the future of Europe to the different worlds of green politics today.

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You can now subscribe to get two print editions a year sent straight to your door for 8€. Shipping and tax are included.

Subscribe to the Green European Journal today to get the new issue (Vol. 22 – Moving Targets: Geopolitics in a Warming World) and the next edition (to be published in Spring 2022).

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Payments for subscriptions can be made via Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. If you would like to order copies of our print editions via Bancontact, EPS, giropay, iDEAL, Przelewy24, or Sofort, please see the ‘Order Single or Multiple Issues’ section of this page.

Order Single or Multiple Issues

For in-depth coverage of topics from the pandemic to the many worlds of political ecology to the future of work, print editions are now available to order for 4€ per copy. Shipping and tax are included.

Edition Price Quantity
Untitled design (13) Vol. 27 - At the Edge: Frontiers of Climate Adaptation

Exploring climate adaptation as a process of radical transformation.
Untitled design (12) Vol. 26 - Aligning Stars: Routes to a Different Europe

By examining the continent’s past and present, this edition sets out to explore possible routes towards a desirable future.
Cover_GEJ25 Vol. 25 - Up in arms: Environmental Divides Reshaping Politics

What are the new conflicts and unresolved dilemmas around the green transition and how can we address them?
Cover_GEJ24 Vol. 24 - Priced Out: The Cost of Living in a Disrupted World

What are the social and political impacts of the cost of living crisis, and what alternatives remain for meeting our needs?
Cover_GEJ23-1 Vol. 23 - Making Our Minds: Uncovering the Politics of Education

What would an education system that truly equips people for the challenges of our age look like?
Cover_GEJ22 Vol. 22 - Moving Targets: Geopolitics in a Warming World

With much in the balance, how can Greens and progressives pick up the scattered seeds of a more just and sustainable world?
GEJ_Vol.21_Cover Vol. 21 - Democracy Ever After: Perspectives on Power and Representation

In the struggle over their future, how can we steer democracy and representation towards ever greater fairness, inclusion, and participation?
Cover_GEJ20 Vol. 20 - Life Under Shock: Understanding the Pandemic

With the politics of life and living together out in the open, how will the health crisis influence our world in the years to come?
volume-19-a-world-alive-green-politics-in-europe-and-beyond Vol. 19 - A World Alive: Green Politics in Europe and Beyond

This edition explores the different worlds of green politics today.
volume-18-2049-open-future Vol. 18 - 2049: Open Future

Imagine the future. This collection of essays, stories, and interviews looks forward to imagine what Europe could look like in 2049.
volume-17-work-on-the-horizon-tracking-employments-transformation-in-europe Vol. 17 - Work on the Horizon: Tracking Employment’s Transformation in Europe

This edition explores the centrality of work and its changing nature in the face of social and technological developments.
Mockup_GEJ16 Vol. 16 - Talk of the Town: Exploring the City in Europe

Both as sites of transformations as well as political actors in their own right, this edition looks at cities and their significance across Europe and beyond.
Editions collage for newsletter Full back catalogue: All editions from Volume 16 to Volume 26 (excluding Vol. 19) 34€

If you have trouble subscribing or ordering issues online or if you have any questions, please email us at