Yes to Renewables for the Climate

Rosa Martínez Rodríguez spoke with Héctor Tejero about the backlash against renewables in Spain.

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Who Pays for a Warming World?

Economist Lucas Chancel explains why the welfare state must be readied for climate change.

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Divided in Ecology

From national leaders calling for a pause to the European Green Deal to the online Right’s re-invention of the “15-minute city” as an authoritarian project for social control, the signs of an anti-green backlash are growing.

Compared to the heady days of the Green Wave, it is clear that green politics in Europe has entered a new phase.

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The Smoke and Mirrors of Norway’s Climate Action

A closer look to greenwashing policies and fossil fuel legacy in Norway, debunking their presumptions of being climate leaders.

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England’s Greens Made Historic Local Gains. What Next?

The Greens have consolidated their position in England, but they need to strike a difficult balance between competing demands.

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Degrowth at a Crossroads

The Beyond Growth Conference was a watershed for the degrowth movement. But increased visibility comes with the risk of co-optation.

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Protecting Nature, Empowering People: Environmental Protests in the Balkans

In recent years, the citizens of Serbia and Albania have offered inspiring examples of mobilisation against extractivism and ecosystem degradation. Can their success be replicated across the Balkans and beyond?

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Objects of Political Desire V: Is Memory Money?

A short story about your dearest memory and the money you did not know it was worth.

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Climate Citizens’ Assemblies Spring to Life in Europe

In a world grappling with the climate crisis, social unrest, and polarisation undermining democracy, an oasis of ideas for a better future has bloomed. It happened in Milan during the Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies. The two-day event brought to the same room the instigators of the next wave of participatory democracy that looms on the horizon. Uncover their stories, insights, and dreams for a greener tomorrow for Europe.

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Eyes on Germany: Politics Without Urgency

Criticised for their disruptive demonstrations, Letzte Generation climate activists find few allies in their uphill battle for climate.

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