Getting a Taste for It

In the Netherlands, one organisation is making a breakthrough in encouraging a better relationship between people and food. The secret – start young. An interview with Esther Boukema by Erica Meijers.

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Greens and Farmers: the New Alliance

The Greens want to change the trajectory of the CAP to make European agriculture “greener” as this is the only way in which it will have a future. An urgent and long-term project against the conservative agribusiness model, and one which should be developed in cooperation with the first people affected: the farmers. Interview with José Bové, Greens/EFA MEP.

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Hungarian Land-Grabbing: Family Farmers vs. Politically Backed Oligarchs

Often thought of as a problem in developing nations, land-grabbing is a reality in contemporary Hungary. The problem of private hoarding of land began after the fall of Communism in 1990, but the current government is making the situation worse. Through a corrupt relationship between power and agri-business, more and more land is falling into the possession of a powerful few, with devastating consequences for society and the environment.

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France: Epicentre of the ‘Malbouffe’ Crisis

The changes to agriculture in post-war France have had a devastating impact on the environment and on public health. Such changes were the product of international trade agreements and big agri-business, meaning solutions are unlikely to come from the top down. It must be local and small produces that come to the rescue.

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Finland, Land of Developing Agriculture

Development continues and the overall number of farms declines. What is it like to be a farmer in today’s Finland? Will the sector still attract new entrepreneurs in the future?

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Food Without the Go-Between

Food cooperatives are a way of ensuring a supply of local and socially sustainable food. However the barriers to their development should not be underestimated, including opposition from middlemen who have the most to loose. Looking at experiences in Brazil, Poland and the US, Katarzyna S?oboda charts a way forward.

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Food for the Soul, Not Just the Stomach: the Countryside’s Other Role

A focus on food production and protecting biodiversity should not be at the expense of a third key function of the countryside, access to it by the people.

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Another Food System!

The food revolution is a cultural and social revolution, claims the Editorial Board of the Green European Journal, who introduce its fifth edition.

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The Distress of the Italian Left

Pier Bersani’s surprise at the Italian election results is the fruit of the growing disconnect of his Democratic Party from reality, and the centre-left leader is the creator of his own defeat.

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Fiscal Compact Undermines Good Solutions to the Crisis

Why did the Luxembourg Greens vote against the Fiscal Stability Treaty on February 27th and aske Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker not to implement it?

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