From the Green Industrial Revolution to the Ecological Revolution

Greening industry is crucial to our ability to combat climate change and maintain a prosperous society. But to achieve this, we need a whole new relationship with the environment.

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Ten Theses for the German Greens

The mistakes of the campaign should be a chance for the Greens to learn and develop a new story. Ten theses are presented to start the discussion.

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Do We Need a Green Republicanism?

Are Greens republicans who ignore that they are republicans? And if so, what consequences may that have for their political doctrines?

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The 24th September 2013, 10:00

When looking at the disappointing result for the Greens in last week’s German elections, can some of the blame be placed on them downplaying their long-standing position as the pro-Europe party?

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Same-Sex Marriage in the UK

Despite some flaws, the bill on same sex-marriage is a positive step in the right direction.

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The Anniversary of Broken Promises

5 years after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and the beginning of the worst economic crisis in decades, the EU has not delivered on promises of strong regulation of the financial sector. A swift overhaul is needed.

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The End of Merkel’s Europe

The German Green’s manifesto tries to strike a difficult balance between a clear commitment to Europe and a vision of another, greener Europe. In doing so, it makes it very clear that with Greens in government European politics would be different.

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European Right to Freedom Act

We should recognise that the national context and legitimacy is here to stay for some time. We might overcome it one day, but not tomorrow. We therefore need to develop a new approach that allows for combining the national more legitimately and more democratically with the European.

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Flanders: a Region in Search of Itself

In 2010 the Flemish nationalists became the largest party in the Belgian Federal Parliament for the first time. Does the rise in electoral support for the N-VA herald the end of the state of Belgium or can the country continue to adapt?

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Greens and Science: Why the Green Movement Is Not Anti-Science

The Green Movement owes a great deal to science, but is sometimes portrayed as anti-science.

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