Urban Politics 

Where Change Begins: Urban Politics in the Climate Emergency

With national elections polarised and inconclusive and EU decision-making stuck at its usual snail’s pace, politics today leaves many feeling powerless. Yet in a climate emergency amid the deepening crisis of inequality, renouncing collective change is not an option. Does then the city represent our best hope? 

With this dilemma in mind, three French students set out this summer to discover the different realities of urban politics around Europe, exploring the municipalist wave of recent years and learning from efforts to build popular support for climate action from the street up. 

Does the city have the greatest strategic potential for democratic change? What can we learn from different urban movements, their strategies and approaches to power, their strengths and weaknesses? From commons to radical democracy, are city initiatives kernels of wider transformative change? 

These questions were the starting point for a journey that took Cléa Fache, Léa Legras et Hugo Chirol through 20 cities across four countries. Over the next few weeks, the Green European Journal will publish a series about what they found. 

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Articles in this focus

From Energy Crisis to Energy Democracy

Fossil fuels have kept us hooked to large, impersonal energy systems. Could renewables re-politicise or even democratise our relationship with energy?

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Are Berlin Referendums Driving Real Change?

Berliners have often used referendums for issues ranging from housing to climate action. But have they been effective?

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Malmö and Christiania, Green Experiments in Scandinavia 

While Nordic countries are often praised for their efforts against climate change, Malmö and Christiania may be offering a more nuanced picture.

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Fighting Orbanism in Budapest 

Despite Victor Orbán’s authoritarian grip on Hungary, social justice, ecology and democracy can still be placed at the heart of Hungarian politics.

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Ecology is Serbia’s Democratic Hope

Serbia’s democratic and ecological struggles are inseparable – and can only be solved by reclaiming its political institutions.

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Reclaiming The Commons: Radical Democracy in Italy

Italians are fighting to recapture the commons in an effort to find a fresh approach to politics based on self-management.

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