Green European Journal - The Green Democratic Reboot
The Green Democratic Reboot

This issue is structured around three principles categories: the Green understanding of democracy, Green foundations in Europe and concrete initiatives to promote active citizenship.

Green European Journal - The Green Fights For Europe
Volume 8 The Green Fights For Europe

What has the Green movement been able to achieve and what will be the next key challenges for Europe and for the Greens?

Green European Journal - Taming the Giant – Towards a Sustainable Financial System
Volume 7 Taming the Giant – Towards a Sustainable Financial System

How to create a financial system that helps, not destroys, the real economy? Seven years on from the financial crisis that heralded the great recession, this question remains unresolved.

Green European Journal - Green Industry in a Post-Industrial Society
Volume 6 Green Industry in a Post-Industrial Society

What will industry look like in a sustainable economy? At a time when we are facing both an economic and an environment crisis, it is a question we cannot avoid.

Green European Journal - Mapping the Green Transformation
Mapping the Green Transformation

This edition focuses on four key debates the that Journal has identified as being crucial to the future of Europe: federalism; sustainability; solidarity; and hospitality.

Green European Journal - Food: The (Agri)cultural Revolution
Volume 5 Food: The (Agri)cultural Revolution

What is the future of our relationship with food and agriculture?

Green European Journal - Equality and Sustainability
Volume 4 Equality and Sustainability

Can an economy and society really be sustainable without being equal? And do inequalities within and between Member States threaten the future of the EU?

Green European Journal - Beyond Growth/Degrowth
Volume 3 Beyond Growth/Degrowth

The focus of this edition is on the debate over economic growth – can economic growth continue? And if not, what alternatives might exist?

Green European Journal - Surviving Austerity
Volume 2 Surviving Austerity

This second edition aims to provoke debate on how Europe and the Greens can emerge stronger and more united from this difficult economic time.

Green European Journal - Debating in the Maelstrom: Do the Greens Have the Answers to the Crisis?
Volume 1 Debating in the Maelstrom: Do the Greens Have the Answers to the Crisis?

The first edition focuses on the economic crisis in the EU, but also connects it to the democratic crisis, arguing that they are two sides of the same coin.