Shahin Vallée

Shahin Vallée is director of the geoeconomics programme at the German Council on Foreign Relations.


“Sanctioning oil and gas will become critical”: What the War in Ukraine Means for the EU

The invasion of Ukraine looks set to mark a turning point for EU policy on energy, defence, and security.

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Defining Democracy for a Sovereign Europe

Shahin Vallée and Franziska Brantner debate European democracy, transnational politics, and the meaning of sovereignty.

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Only Transnational Politics Can Break Europe’s Deadlock

Germany has shifted its position to unlock the route to an EU recovery fund. But Europe still needs a political alternative to inter-governmental deadlock.

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Breaking Europe’s Double Deadlock

French President Macron's bid to reform Europe has missed vital opportunities. Carefully built alliances and transnational politics are key to effectively changing Europe.

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