Philippe Pochet

Philippe Pochet is general director of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), professor at the Université catholique de Louvain, and associated researcher at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT, Montreal). Prior to joining ETUI in 2008, he was director of the Observatoire social européen for 16 years. 


Sustainable Welfare: Social Protection in Times of Ecological Crisis

Matteo Mandelli, Taube Van Melkebeke, and Philippe Pochet build alliances towards climate-adapted welfare states.

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A New Social Contract for People and Planet

Fairness needs to be at the heart of Europe’s social policies and its fight against climate change.

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A Socio-Ecological Contract for a Post-Pandemic Europe

A conversation with the ETUI general director on what the pandemic has meant for workers and the window of opportunity to achieve a just and green recovery.

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Declaring a Climate and Workers’ Emergency

Trade unionist Philippe Pochet sets out a radical vision for the socio-ecological transformation of the European project.

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Solidarity Forever: Talking Transition with Trade Unions

Trade unionist Philippe Pochet on changing perspectives on climate change and transition within organised labour and the essential and challenging task of working with Greens.

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