Jorge Pinto

Jorge Pinto is a research associate at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society (University of Minho, Portugal) and co-founder of the Portuguese party LIVRE.


Is Degrowth the Future?

A new book exploring the origins, sub-currents, and evolution of degrowth, as well as the solutions it offers for the future.

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Hannah Arendt: The Political Animal in the 21st Century

Hannah Arendt work holds lessons on reinvigorating democracy in a time of corroded trust in political institutions, an emboldened far right, and ecological breakdown.

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Unconditional Freedom 2049

A comic on European basic income and what it meant for one family among millions.

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A Fair Share: Reclaiming the Commons with Basic Income

Drawing on the experience of the Alaskan oil fund, this interview unpicks the links between basic income and ecological sustainability.

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Green Observatory: Basic Income

The Green European Journal asked experts, activists, and politicians from around Europe about the politics of basic income where they are.

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The Order of Barcelona: Cities Without Fear

In Europe and beyond, municipalism, rooted in republicanism and enshrined in an ‘Order of Barcelona’ could help fight the ‘inertia of the nation-state’.

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