Filipe Henriques

Filipe Henriques is a Brussels-based Political Scientist & Analyst focused on European politics.


Smaller, Diverse, United: Greens after the European Elections

Though their ranks are smaller, Greens can be a reliable partner to build a solid pro-European majority. But they should use their weight wisely.

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Europe on the Ballot: Who Will Rule the EU?

The chances of a conservative majority after the EU elections are slim, but the normalisation of radical right is a wake-up call for progressives.

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Europe on the Ballot: What Happened to the Green Wave?

Entering government coalitions at the national level did not pay off for the Greens. How can they maintain consensus?

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Europe on the Ballot: It’s Not (All) About Turnout

Low voter participation in EU elections can undermine the democratic legitimacy of the EU Parliament. What could bring Europe closer to its citizens?

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Europe on the Ballot: Long Live the Lead Candidates!

Pronounced dead upon Ursula von der Leyen's election as Commission president in 2019, the “Spitzenkandidaten” process is alive and well.

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Southern Europe: Conservative Resurgence or Key to a Progressive EU? 

Progressives in southern Europe need to find unity in fragmentation, following the Spanish example.

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Can Eastern Europe Turn the Page on Illiberalism? 

While conservatives are still dominant in eastern Europe, most illiberal parties are struggling. Why is it important for the future of the EU?

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Europe on the Ballot: Is Secessionism Back?

A striking mix of left- and right-wing separatists, along with advocates of regionalism and sovereignism are the new kingmakers in Spain after an inconclusive general election this summer. Around Europe, separatist and nationalist forces are gaining influence. What could this trend mean for Europe and what role for the EU in addressing resurfacing questions around secession?

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Europe on the Ballot: Why Transnational Parties Failed     

Transnational parties promised to shake up EU politics before the European elections in 2019. These experiments appear to have run out of road.

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Europe on the Ballot: How the EPP Turned Against Climate Politics

Throughout Europe, former centre-right parties have thrown the doors of government wide open to the far right.

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Europe on the Ballot: Are Cities Next in Europe’s Drift to the Right?

With countries turning to the right, progressives face the challenge of keeping their support in cities.

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Europe on the Ballot: Is a Progressive Resurgence Possible in the European Election?

European politics may be drifting to the right but progressives cannot yet be counted out of the struggle for Europe.

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Portugal’s Socialist Landslide Hides Deeper Political Shifts

Now that Portuguese citizens have voted it’s time to take a look at where the players have landed and towards what might lie ahead.

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Portuguese Elections: What Next After Years of Left-Wing Government?

Portugal heads to the polls in a week. For years an outpost for successful progressive government in the European Union, Portugal’s Socialist-led government lost its majority in late 2021. What can we expect from the snap elections? What role will Portugal’s green political forces play in shaping the country’s future?

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