Beatrice White

Beatrice White is managing editor of the LSE British Politics and Policy blog. She was previously deputy editor of the Green European Journal.


Politics of the Future

Beatrice White explores the trade-offs and opportunities of long-term thinking in the climate crisis.

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Family and Care: Ireland’s Constitution Catching up With Society

Ireland will vote on two changes to its Constitution. But the nature of the proposed changes poses major challenges to constructive public debate.

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The Only Green in the House

As a member of the UK Parliament, Caroline Lucas has shown the difference even a single Green in the room can make.

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“We Cannot Delete Our Way Out Of This”: Learning In The Maze

Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck speaks to Beatrice White about how education needs to adapt to the realities of the digital world.

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Lessons Unlearned

Any project of building a different society goes hand in hand with reimagining education. For Greens, this is a potential too precious to pass up.

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Climate Leadership Means Building Bridges

For climate negotiations to succeed, building alliances alliances and coalitions across cultural, economic, and geographical divides is crucial.

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Backs Against the Wall: Bringing the Fight Back

Ece Temelkuran warns of the signs of creeping authoritarianism.

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Rethinking the UK-EU Relationship in Post-Brexit Britain

As the Brexit transition period draws to an end, the Green Party of England and Wales must adopt a clear position on the future UK-EU relationship.

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MeTooEP: Rooting Out Sexual Harassment in the European Parliament

The MeTooEP movement shone a light on sexual harassment in European Parliament. Despite important progress, much remains to be done.

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Global Political Action To Protect An Information Space In Peril

An interview with the secretary-general of Reporters Without Borders.

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Turkey: Elections in a Fake News Climate

Analysis of the run-up to the June 24 elections in Turkey in a media landscape plagued by repression of dissent, fake news, and suspicion from all sides.

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The Road to Repeal: How Ireland said ‘Yes’

Thanks to energetic grassroots campaigning and a steady shift in social attitudes, women in Ireland have finally won the right to choose whether to have child or not.

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Left to the Locals: the European towns working to integrate refugees

As many EU countries fail to provide a comprehensive refugee policy, local actors take matters into their own hands.

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We’re Living in a Time of “Maximum Dangers and Maximum Possibilities”

We spoke to feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem about the far-right backlash, racism & why we should be "linked, not ranked".

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The Beginning of the End? What Turkey’s Referendum Vote Tells Us

Does the result signal an inevitable decline of democracy or could it reinvigorate resistance across society?

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The Commons: A Quiet Revolution

Editorial: A striking brand of political momentum is building, driven by the resurgence of citizen-led initiatives around the commons...

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A Conversation that Cannot Wait

A broad coalition seems to be gathering pace in Ireland, and extending far beyond the country’s borders, calling for a reform of Ireland’s abortion laws – the most stringent in Europe. A courageous campaign combined with a shift in public attitudes could mean real change is finally on the horizon.

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Discrimination Is a Barrier That Can’t Be Knocked Down: The Roma Experience of Exclusion

The borders that criss-cross our maps, and the notions of national unity that they connote, belie the fact that within and across these neatly delineated units there are communities whose very existence is a challenge to this territorial division. The case of the Roma people, spread throughout Europe and beyond, is an apt illustration of this.

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The Last Village Standing: The Story of Lerissos

On Greece’s Halkidiki peninsula, in the North-East of the country, a monumental battle is taking place. The town of Ierissos and its inhabitants have become emblematic of this struggle, by taking a stand against an immensely powerful opponent. That opponent is Eldorado Gold.

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The Children of Gezi: Defending the Northern Forests in Istanbul

What happened after the Gezi protests ended? Ever since the barricades were dismantled, the burnt out buses removed, and the world’s attention moved on to protests and unrest elsewhere, Istanbul seems to have become quiet.

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Sharing the love: Can the rest of Europe follow Scotland’s climate campaigning success?

Since enacting ambitious legislation in 2009, Scotland has been leading the way on climate change targets. But the campaign would never have been successful without the broad mobilisation of people across society, who came together to demand action. Now the activists are taking their story beyond Scottish borders, as efforts to build a European and global coalition gather momentum with Paris 2015 in sight.

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‘End Ecocide’ shows ECI can be a mountain to climb for activists

The trajectory of the ‘End Ecocide’ ECI has highlighted some of the challenges faced by activists in using this democratic tool, and some of the flaws which need to be improved if it is to fulfil its aim of making the EU more responsive to citizens. An interview with Thomas Eitzenberger and Lilia Tamamdzhieva, coordinators of the ECI.

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Reawakening the Spirit of Gezi: Popular Resistance to Istanbul’s ‘Pharaonic’ Projects

Popular protest may have saved Gezi Park, but elsewhere in Turkey the destruction on the environment in pursuit of private profit continues. The Green Though Foundation organised a conference to discuss the challenges posed by these developments and what they say about politics in modern Turkey.

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