Green Wave Podcast

The Green Wave podcast, showcasing in audio a selection of articles from the Green European Journal.

Covering progressive politics and green ideas from a range of perspectives from across Europe and beyond. Available for you to listen wherever and whenever you want.

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Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Robot
Welfare and social issues

The Western healthcare system is facing an imminent upheaval caused by an ageing population, increase in the chronically ill, technological advances and a shortage of caregivers. But if the patient is the sole manager of their health, what happens to the other workers and stakeholders in the healthcare sector?

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Work in a World Without Growth

A fixation with growth in economics has seen GDP increase in proportion to environmental damage. As planetary limits draw ever closer and are even being surpassed, such a model cannot be sustained. Riccardo Mastini explains how a job guarantee could open up the way to a sustainable economic model.

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The UK Plastic Crisis Unwrapped

Natalie Bennett discusses the hard-won gains and shortcomings of the British legislation banning micro-plastics in cosmetics, the deep-rooted place plastic holds in British lifestyle, and the path to a society no longer needlessly reliant on plastic.

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Bridging the 82 km Happiness Gap: Can Estonia Stem the Labour Exodus to Finland?
Welfare and social issues

With tens of thousands of Estonian workers commuting between Tallinn and Helsinki, we look at a snapshot of Estonia’s ongoing struggle with brain drain.

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