Green Wave Podcast

The Green Wave podcast, showcasing in audio a selection of articles from the Green European Journal.

Covering progressive politics and green ideas from a range of perspectives from across Europe and beyond. Available for you to listen wherever and whenever you want.

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Stay tuned for new episodes and themes.

Everybody’s Survival: the Growing Hunger for Climate Justice

Is society ready to break with legal and political norms to tackle the climate crisis? Perhaps: in France the L’Affaire du siècle petition, which aims to have the French state's duty and failure to act on climate change recognised, broke records by gathering more than two million signatures. More than just a legal battle, this global movement for climate justice is profoundly political.

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Poland’s Futures: A View from the Countryside

At a time when its voters are in and out of voting booths – municipal elections at the end of 2018, European and national elections in 2019, and presidential ones in 2020 – taking the long view of Poland’s future can help demonstrate what is at stake in these electoral contests. Przemysław Sadura tells the story of a country for which multiple paths lie open.

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A Walk on Europe’s Wild Side

A look at the past, present and future of rewilding that makes the case for tackling the biodiversity extinction crisis and restoring natural wonder to both country and city.

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A Politics Beyond Fear

Sociologist Karolina Wigura calls for a move from the pervasive politics of fear which has seen the rise of the far-right to a politics with a positive vision based on hope.

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The Limits of Work: Poverty and Exploitation in Today’s European Union
Welfare and social issues

The 2017 documentary The Limits of Work (Hranice práce) confronts the viewer with the terrible reality of work for many. Saša Uhlová spends six months working a series of low-paid agency jobs equipped with a camera throughout. Casting a light on the conditions that some endure to keep society ticking on, the release provoked a fresh debate about work in the Czech Republic and received international acclaim.

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