Green Wave Podcast

The Green Wave podcast, showcasing in audio a selection of articles from the Green European Journal.

Covering progressive politics and green ideas from a range of perspectives from across Europe and beyond. Available for you to listen wherever and whenever you want.

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Pathways to Power: How Green Parties Join Governments

As some Green parties move closer to entering government, looking to paths already trodden by Greens in Sweden and Finland proves illuminating.

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The Categorical Mistake of “Looking for an Answer to National Populism”

In the face of rising national populism, rather than seeking to combat these forces on their own terms, Green and progressive politicians can instead turn to a far more effective rhetorical tool.

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The Future of Basic Income in Finland
Welfare and social issues

Trials in recent years, an advanced national debate and a new progressive majority in Parliament make Finland a key context to follow for basic income developments.

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Why the Extinction Rebellion Movement is Morally Justified

Drawing on political theory and environmental philosophy, Jeff Justice makes the case for legitimate rebellion in the face of government inaction on climate.

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Questioning the Centrality of Work with André Gorz
Green transition

André Gorz, a key thinker of political ecology, owes his popularity in part to his radical critique of work. His exhortation to “exit from work”, though undoubtedly utopian, provides us with the opportunity to reflect on what we mean by ‘work’ and on the dominant place we afford it.

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