Green Wave Podcast

The Green Wave podcast, showcasing in audio a selection of articles from the Green European Journal.

Covering progressive politics and green ideas from a range of perspectives from across Europe and beyond. Available for you to listen wherever and whenever you want.

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British Foreign Policy After Brexit

While Brexit has dominated the upcoming general election, what its form means for Britain’s place in the world has been lost in throwaway slogans and superficial debate. Christopher Hill’s latest book, The Future of British Foreign Policy, is an attempt to ground UK foreign policy post-Brexit in reality. Whatever happens, the next government will have to reckon with a new relationship with its EU partners, uncertainty over NATO’s future, and a shifting global balance of power.

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The Climate Justice Movement in the Czech Republic Has Broken the Silence. Now What?

The Climate Strikes arrived in the Czech Republic this year as youth started to protest against the government’s chronic inaction on climate. But now what? Josef Patocka, editor for climate change at Deník Referendum, breaks down how to effectively push for structural change and a just transition to clean energy.

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The Future of the EU: Soldiers, Barbed Wire and Surveillance

The far right failed to make the gains many expected at the European elections, but their influence on the direction of the Union is pervasive. Activists linked to Attac Austria argue that progressives supporting today’s EU irrespective of its policy agenda are playing on terrain that favours only the far right and the neoliberal establishment. So the question is: How can progressives rethink their relationship to the EU as it stands and make sure that they are ready to oppose and resist?

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Where Next for the French Greens?

In a France dominated by leaders without movements and rocked by movements without leaders, can political ecology build on EU election success to help fix the crisis of representation?

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MeTooEP: Rooting Out Sexual Harassment in the European Parliament
Welfare and social issues

The MeTooEP movement shone a light on the sexual harrassment taking place in the European Parliament, but despite important progress in tackling it, much remains to be done.

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