Green Wave Podcast

The Green Wave podcast, showcasing in audio a selection of articles from the Green European Journal.

Covering progressive politics and green ideas from a range of perspectives from across Europe and beyond. Available for you to listen wherever and whenever you want.

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Putting Time at the Heart of Political Ecology
Society, Media and Culture

To curtail the spread of COVID-19, much of the world’s movement has come to a halt and many lives have moved online in an enforced break with a long period in which the pace of life was growing faster. Though proposals such as the four-day week struggled in 2019, changing our relationships with time and work remains a key task for progressive forces everywhere.

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Resilience Under Shock: Time for a Paradigm Shift
Future of EU

It’s time for a paradigm shift: from a sleepwalking society focused on profit, competition, and consumption, to a future-oriented one that prioritises investment, cooperation, and wellbeing.

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After Industrialism: Reviving Nature in the 21st Century

Ecologism as a school of thought emerges as a critique of industrialism, the ideology that binds liberalism, conservativism, and socialism. It recognises nature as the basis for the human’s existence and development. Two decades into a 21st century already defined by the crisis of the human in nature, the ecologisation of human society is an urgent imperative.

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The Three Tribes of Political Ecology

Humanity’s collective relationship with nature has always provided political ecology with a material basis for reading history. The breakdown of that relationship is making this reading all the more relevant. Philosopher Pierre Charbonnier presents the three forces leading political ecology today – green socialism, the radical critics of modernity, and elite technocracy. While their diagnoses differ fundamentally, much is resting on them getting along.

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Climate Change and Migration: Myths and Realities

Awareness has grown of the intimate link between climate change and migration in past years but it remains a complex and contentious issue. In a debate fanned by the media and populist politicians, University of Liège researcher Caroline Zickgraf separates myth from reality. Explaining how our changing environment is making people move, she calls for evidence-based preparation rather than fear-based reactions and crisis responses.

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