Green Wave Podcast

The Green Wave podcast, showcasing in audio a selection of articles from the Green European Journal.

Covering progressive politics and green ideas from a range of perspectives from across Europe and beyond. Available for you to listen wherever and whenever you want.

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Another State Is Possible: Greening the Levers of Power

What kind of state is needed for a successful ecological transition?

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The Green Surge in the French Locals Explained

On June 28, the Greens of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) confirmed their role as change makers in French politics as the Green Wave swept through the country in the second round of the local elections.

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Basic Income and Pandemic Preparedness
Welfare and social issues

As we think about building societies that can be ready for pandemics and resilient to shocks, basic income needs to be part of the picture.

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On the Love and Rage of Extinction Rebellion
Society, Media and Culture

Extinction Rebellion, erupted in 2018, denounces the political inertia and obfuscation of “truth” that permeate climate change debates. Louise Knops explores how the movement channels affect at a pivotal moment in which climate has become a concern for everyone. Looking forward, she asks how we can move from insurrection to renewal.

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Resettling Villages, Unsettling Lives
Climate and Energy

As the energy transition debate continues, land-intensive extraction processes continue to displace villages across the German lignite belt. Paula Castro and Hannah Porada analyse the experiences of villagers near the Garzweiler mine in the Rhineland. Faced with a resettlement procedure, villagers have mobilised to fight both for their homes and for more ambition in German energy policy.

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