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Can Russia’s Money Help Ukraine Win the War?Geopolitics

Seizing frozen Russian assets would help Europe reconcile military support for Kyiv with tightening national budgets. But there are risks.

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Climate Justice is not a CommodityJustice

A dominant view of climate justice pushes for richer nations to pay others to “solve” climate change. But this renders climate justice a commodity.

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Coming Out of IlliberalismDemocracy

Poland's new governing coalition is making good on its pledges, but side-lining the president has exposed it to accusations of undemocratic action.

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Europe on the Ballot: It’s Not (All) About TurnoutDemocracy

Low voter participation in EU elections can undermine the democratic legitimacy of the EU Parliament. What could bring Europe closer to its citizens?

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The Power of Play: Community Theatre, Solidarity, and Fighting Oppression Society, Media and Culture

Theatre can be used to bring people together to devise solutions to daunting systemic abuses.

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Farmer Protests: The Wrong U-TurnAgriculture

Recent protests across Europe and worldwide show growing frustration among farmers. A policy U-turn on trade could bring farmers back onside.

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How Border Externalisation Became the EU’s Migration Strategy Migration

The EU-Egypt migration deal is yet another measure taken by the EU to outsource migration control, with little consideration for human rights.

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#Metoo in France: An Unfinished RevolutionSociety, Media and Culture

The #MeToo movement has seen progress and pushback. There may have been a turning point, but anti-feminism remains widespread.

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Russian Elections: Apathy PrevailsPolitics

With the war in Ukraine raging on, most Russians find themselves on uneasy middle ground. Holding on to what they have is the most important thing.

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Are Greens Speaking out Against Islamophobia?Politics

While Green parties have long been associated with inclusive politics, they are not always without prejudice towards Islam.

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