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Getting RealPolitics

From workers’ rights to questions of wellbeing, redistribution, global resource justice, and energy and food security, adjusting to the impacts of climate change is fraught with difficult political choices. Any credible attempt to “stay with the trouble” must entail a visionary political project of radical transformation.

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What Next for Georgia’s European Dream?  Future of EU

Continued support from European institutions amidst rise of the far right is crucial for Georgia's European aspirations. 

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A Portuguese Middle-Age Crisis? Democracy

Fifty years after the democratic transition, Portugal is facing a political crisis of which the growth of the far right is the most dangerous symptom.

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Hungary’s Opposition in the Grip of “Fidesz Light” Politics

European and municipal elections used to be an opportunity for parties opposing Orbán to score political victories. But this is changing.

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Bulgaria’s Permanent ElectionDemocracy

Bulgaria suffers from growing voter apathy, reflected in declining turnout and exacerbated by a campaign filled with propaganda and personal attacks.

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No Country for Progressive Women: European Elections in CzechiaPolitics

Female politicians are trying to bring change to the male-dominated Czech political scene. But challenging the hegemony of the Right is difficult.

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Europe on the Ballot: Who Will Rule the EU?Future of EU

The chances of a conservative majority after the EU elections are slim, but the normalisation of radical right is a wake-up call for progressives.

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Power Matters: Rethinking Germany’s European RolePolitics

How has the country with the greatest responsibility to “act European” turned into an obstacle to EU policymaking?

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Renewables from Monopoly to DemocratisationClimate and Energy

Can energy communities help get people on board the green transition and turn the tide against the rising far right?

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Light, Air, Sun, Carbon Neutrality: Greening Vienna’s Social HousingGreen Transition

Can Vienna reach its ambitious climate goals while ensuring that the burden of the effort is not passed down to the city’s residents?

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