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Alternatives to a Broken Food SystemAgriculture

In this conversation, Priscilla Claeys and Benoît Biteau discuss how sustainable local food systems can protect food security globally.

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Prosperity for the ManyWelfare and Social Issues

In the face of unaffordable rents, Manuel Gabarre de Sus looks at how cities around Europe can ensure the right to housing.

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Price Increases: Who Is Picking Up the Tab?Finance and Economy

Comparing data from across Europe, Cristina Suárez Vega looks at how citizens are experiencing the rising cost of living.

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European Fiscal Rules for a New EraFinance and Economy

Sebastian Mang calls for a reform of European macroeconomic governance that empowers states to contend with current crises.

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Investing in the Green Transition Is the Solution to Today’s Economic CrisisFinance and Economy

After years of loose monetary policy, central banks are changing tack. But using the levers of the financial system to fight inflation risks cutting climate investment just as we need it most.

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The Cost of Not Living in EuropeWelfare and Social Issues

Outside the EU’s borders, hundreds of millions of people toil for our prosperity and even fight for our democracy.

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Squeezing Wages Is Not the AnswerFinance and Economy

It's time to overcome the unfounded fears that wage increases will push up prices.

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A Climate of DisruptionWelfare and Social Issues

With disruption set to become the norm, Robert Magowan asks how Greens can navigate chaos and conflict to drive positive change.

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United in Diversity? Confronting Europe’s Energy DividesClimate and Energy

Helen Thompson uncovers the roots of the energy crisis and the fractures within Europe when it comes to energy policy.

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Bringing Europe Together Amid CrisesFuture of EU

Antoņina Ņenaševa and Ernest Urtasun discuss on reforming Europe's socio-economic model and implementing a green transition that leaves no one behind.

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