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Leaders Without Power: The Struggles of France’s Greens Politics

Despite their activist and local politics background, France’s Greens face a chronic lack of leadership experience.

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A Battle for the Sea: Offshore Wind Crashes on the Galician CoastGreen Transition

Plans for the expansion of offshore wind in Spain were met by protests from the fishing sector, environmentalists, and civil society. The biggest backlash has come from the North Atlantic marine region. Where the lack of dialogue has led to confrontation, can climate citizens’ assemblies pave a way to just transition?

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Objects of Political Desire VI: Memory Over TimeSociety, Media and Culture

Why memory matters: it makes us historical subjects capable of imagining the future.

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Making Climate Migration VisibleMigration

Only political and legal shift can prepare Europe for a phenomenon that is bound to grow in the years to come.

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Can an Ungovernable Society Be Governed?Politics

Only pluralistic, bottom-up approaches to leadership can ensure cohesion to our fragmented societies.

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What Is Green Leadership?Politics

Faced with the inevitable failures of populism and technocracy, politics must rediscover its practical, communal and collective dimension. With this conversation, Edouard Gaudot and Natalie Bennett introduce a new series they co-curated on leadership in crisis, and explore the alternatives that Green thinking can offer.

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Sex Work in Europe Between Decriminalisation and ProhibitionWelfare and Social Issues

With countries pursuing their own policies, a EU-wide political compromise on sex work looks far off.

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Why Ukraine’s Reconstruction Must Be GreenGreen Transition

Ukraine’s reconstruction is only partly a matter for the future: housing, agriculture and the energy grid require immediate action.

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What if Fiscal Policy Was Driven by Climate and Social Justice?Welfare and Social Issues

A look at how the EU can tackle growing inequality and climate change with tax justice and spending reforms.

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Eyes on Germany: Culture Wars on Climate PolicyPolitics

The culture wars around climate policy seem set to become the new normal, as the heating law debate in Germany exemplified.

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