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Why Not Rescue the Banks Instead of Rescuing Spain?Finance and Economy

Rather than focus on Spain’s overall public debt, is it smarter to look at a bailout tailored just for its banks? A leading German and Spanish Green politicians discuss the reality of this prospect.

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The Smaller Market: a New Common Market for Green Restructuring and ExperienceGreen Transition

Along with the single currency, the creation of the single market has been considered the EU’s greatest success.

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Goodbye Germany?Politics

The seemingly never ending Eurozone crisis has evolved into a start choice – does Europe take a leap forward into closer political union, or face a break-up of the single currency?

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Romania as Another Ailing European Democracy?Politics

Romania’s transition from Communist-era dictatorship to western democracy has not been an easy one.

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The Maple Spring in QuebecWelfare and Social Issues

What is the similarity to the Arab Spring? A complete social uprising, which has since mobilised Quebec’s social-democratic and predominantly French speaking society, with an unemployment rate below 7%.

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Rio+20: Let’s Move Away from the Declaration and on to ActionFinance and Economy

This piece from Ecolo looks at what the conference produces, and asks what is next for the Green movement. This analysis of the Rio+20 conference was written by Jean-Marc Nollet, Evelyne Huytebroeck and Arnaud Pinxteren, who are elected representatives for the Belgian French-speaking Green Party Ecolo.

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Manifesto for Rebuilding Europe from the Bottom UpSociety, Media and Culture

In this proposal, initiated by Ulrick Bech and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a group of pro-Europeans argue for a form of active citizenship to promote European democracy and resolve the political crisis that continues to grip the European project.

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For Ireland, Is It London or Berlin?Politics

Irish Green Party leader Eamon Ryan argues that a breakup of the Eurozone would offer no benefits to Ireland, and that the solution instead is to champion a strong, Green economy that ties Ireland ever closer to Europe.

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Towards a New Green Leadership on Economic and Social IssuesFinance and Economy

The Greens have to use alternative green economic concepts and share them far beyond the academic sphere, with all who are now starting to realise that our economy is completely unsustainable. And above all they have to assert their specific approach to social justice.

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Greek Elections 2012: the Unfulfilled Green Expectations and the Way AheadPolitics

With a rerun of Greek elections taking place this weekend, what are the prospects that the political upheaval in the country will present an opening for the Greens?

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