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A Climate of UncertaintyEnvironment

The Green movement needs to move away from alarmist arguments and moralising and towards a more inclusive way of discussing climate change, which leaves room political dispute as to the solutions needed.

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Modernity and the Greens: a Letter from SwedenPost-Growth

Responding to the third edition of the GEJ, ‘Beyond Growth/Degrowth’, this piece looks at the ecological movement’s relationship with modernity and science, and considers what implications this debate has for the Swedish Greens.

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German Parliament: Rebound Effect Greater Than Previously ThoughtEnvironment

The German Bundestag committee which is examining the future of growth has, in advance of its full report, issued an interim report on the use of material resources. The final report will be available in May 2013.

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Milestones for the Future of the EUFuture of EU

Responding to the debate sparked by the publication of ‘For Europe’ by Cohn-Bendit and Verhofstadt, GEF Co-President Pierre Jonckheer argues that the crisis is forcing each Member State to question staying together, each presenting a different response.

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Thinking Beyond Capitalism with André GorzPost-Growth

While we “miserably await a future, which restores the past”, we should “break with this dying society never to be reborn”. Such was the certitude of philosopher André Gorz, who passed away just five years ago.

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Groenlinks Must Be Greener and LefterPolitics

The world view of GroenLinks is founded on three deeply-held convictions: Green, leftist and progressive. These ideals are still alive but each of them in turn points to the need for a sharper critique of capitalism and the neoliberal culture.

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Is the Fiscal Compact Just a Waiting Room for Euro Members-To-Be?Politics

Whatever line the Green Party takes, all eyes should be on the French Greens, whose rejection of the Fiscal Treaty demonstrates that you can maintain your independence even while in government.

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Tim Jackson: Challenging the ‘Group Think’ of Mainstream EconomistsPost-Growth

Tim Jackson’s ‘Prosperity Without Growth’ has been credited with reviving the debate over the merits of economic growth. This review describes it as a book that challenges orthodox economic thinking and which presents a path to a sustainable future.

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The Ambition Must Be Green – Reflections on the Dutch ElectionPolitics

Voters dealt the Dutch GroenLinks party a painful blow. The solution is clear: the party must get its act together and pursue an unambiguously Green identity.

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To Grow or Not to Grow?Post-Growth

The growth-degrowth debate is a non-issue that hampers a fundamental discussion on the reasons underlying the wish for (or against) economic growth.

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