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Brain Drain or Just Mobility?Welfare and Social Issues

What use is the EU’s “free movement of people” if it is a right that only the elite can avail of? And how ‘free’ is it if the economic crisis is forcing young people to leave their country in search of work?

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Agenda 2010: een model voor Europa?Welfare and Social Issues

Na grofweg twee decennia van oppositie kwamen de sociaaldemocraten begin jaren negentig in Europa weer aan de macht.

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Agenda 2010: a Model for Europe?Welfare and Social Issues

'Agenda 2010’ was presented by German Premier Gerard Schröder as a set of reforms that were a ‘third way’ between Social Democracy and neoliberalism.

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Social Vulnerability: the Price of Full Employment?Finance and Economy

Are the neoliberal policies being pursued by the European Commission are feeding that populist forces that may tear the Union apart?

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For the European RepublicDemocracy

The EU cannot be conceived of as a democracy in the traditional sense and its methods of making decisions to date has been ineffective and brought about a crisis of confidence. As the EU’s powers have grown, this problem has become more acute. What is needed is a more transparent form of democracy, with European Citizens given a means of deciding between competing visions and policies.

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Federalism? What Federalism? A European debateDemocracy

The crisis of the Eurozone has given new arguments for a radically more federal Europe. But what does it concretely mean from a Green European point of view? An interview with Monica Frassoni, co-chair of the European Green Party and Per Garthon, former Swedish MEP.

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Next challenges for the European GreensPolitics

In the 2009 European Parliament elections, the Green Group of MEPs won 13 more seats to become the 4th largest group. However when the European Parliament faces elections again in 2014, the political environmental will be vastly different. How to the Greens repeat their success of 2009 in such a situation? The Green European Journal talks to European Green Party Co-Chair Reinhard Bütikofer about his plans.

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On the importance of inequality for the European GreensPolitics

Inequality helped set in motion a downward spiral that resulted in the global financial crisis. Today, that inequality has finally been acknowledged as a central problem, and addressing it successfully can help us to not only overcome the crisis but to move to a more sustainable society.

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An Enormous Step Backwards: Raising Inequality and Poverty in EuropeWelfare and Social Issues

An interview with Fintan Farrell, Director of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN).

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A Quasi-American Strategy for European EgalitariansDemocracy

Belgian philosopher Philippe Van Parijs analysis the issue of inequality from a European and international perspective. Comparing the contrasting the economic systems of the US and Europe, he outlines a series of measures to reduce inequalities that exists across Europe today.

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