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The Potential of ‘True Pricing’Green Transition

How can markets work for sustainability? True Price aims to display a product’s true costs – including its environmental and social costs – to enable consumers to make more informed choices.

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Why “Population Matters” Is WrongWelfare and Social Issues

As the global population climbs ever higher, is there an argument to be made that combating climate change and many other environmental problems require taking steps to limit this growth? This thinking blames the victim and can even be anti-women.

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Is the Euro Crisis Over?Finance and Economy

The Eurozone crisis appears to have receeded, but threats of it still loom.

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Dealing with Eurosceptics and PopulistsWelfare and Social Issues

Europe’s difficulties are undoubtedly causing a rise in populism and Euroscepticism, and while it needs to be more democratic, it needs to push for a more tolerate and humanist future; built through education, exchange and understanding.

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Van Rompuy’s Silent Coup d’EtatPolitics

Nothing seems to disturb what feels like a silent coup d’état carried out with the tacit consent of 27 Heads of State and Government.

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Deutsche Bank: Gollum of the Financial WorldFinance and Economy

Symbol of absolute power corrupting, the ring imagined by J.R.R Tolkien clearly fascinates many citizens. If caution obliges us to distinguish between fiction and reality, nevertheless imagination allows us to draw certain perceptive parallels.

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“Real Democracy Now” in the Green Vision for EuropeDemocracy

The emergence of ‘Real Democracy Now’ and other similar movements such as ‘Occupy’ has raised awareness that many European citizens do not feel represented in the established party system. Spain 2011 – the origins of a movement for more democracy On 15 May 2011, around 100 people decided to occupy the ‘La Puerta de Sol’ […]

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Transition Initiatives: a Critical AssessmentGreen Transition

The Transition Initiative movement is growing rapidly. It is an innovating and positive contribution to the debate on sustainability, but what are its potential pitfalls?

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The Eurozone Crisis and Its Repercussions for the Future of the EUFuture of EU

The Eurozone crisis is driving further integration and exposing weaknesses in the Union’s structure. However, the need for reform shouldn’t be used as a cloak to introduce further neoliberal measures.

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YES to a Referendum, YES to a Better EuropeFuture of EU

A referendum should be held sooner rather than later – pro-Europeans must not be afraid to make the case for EU membership.

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