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EU Membership: Good for Business and the EnvironmentFuture of EU

The reasons for staying in the EU are clear: the Union is good for the environment and good for business, despite what the Tories may claim.

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EU Must Build on Serbia-Kosovo BreakthroughFuture of EU

The deal between Serbia and Kosovo, brokered on 19 April by Catherine Ashton, is a sign of hope that the future of the western Balkans lies in the EU – but there is much more work to be done.

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Carbon Trading – Why Backloading the Backloading Proposal Was a Big DealEnvironment

As the level of CO2 in the atmosphere passes the 400ppm mark, the failure of the European Parliament to rescue Europe’s emissions trading scheme looks even more alarming.

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Accession May Be the Carrot, but Never the BaitDemocracy

The accession process in the Balkan countries is sowing confusion in applicant countries, often as a result of overly political decisions by the Council of the EU.

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Turkey: Politicised in Joy and HopePolitics

The protests in Turkey draw their strength from their diversity: witty artists, dedicated environmental activists and Muslims opposed to neoliberalism. Together, they stand a chance of opposing Erdogan’s authoritarian, arrogant government.

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It’s Time to Stop Pandering to UKIPPolitics

Rather than panic in the face of a Ukip surge, Britain’s political leaders need to stick to their principles and work to solve the root cause of voters’ unrest: the economic crisis.

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Step up to the PlateFinance and Economy

Following President Obama’s State of the Union, negotiations will shortly commence on the will be known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and US. Some claim such a deal will create 2 million jobs, but reaching agreement will be difficult and to succeed the EU needs to identify what its priorities are.

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The Fast-Food Feminism of the Topless FemenSociety, Media and Culture

Blonde young women stripping off their shirts to protest for… women’s rights.

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Sustainable Agriculture as a Path to Prosperity for the Western BalkansAgriculture

There is potential for organic agriculture in the Western Balkans.

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The European Crisis Explained in Two GraphsFinance and Economy

A long book is probably too short to explain the European crisis in full length and depth.

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