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Building a Common Green VocabularyGreen Transition

These four debates are gateways to penetrating the transnational complexity of the European environmental debate, interconnecting national public spaces where debates on the fundamental issues for our future are still being carried out in an overly compartmentalised fashion.

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The Prospects for a Green Economy in CroatiaGreen Transition

Can Croatia’s entry to the European Union create an opportunity to change the country’s economic and ecological paradigms? That potential exists, but will only succeed if new political alliances are created that bring together a broad range of social movements.

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If There Is No Alternative, There Is No Democracy!Democracy

The neo-liberal Taliban have brought Europe to its knees. For the first time in its history, the European idea has been weakened to the point that its survival is now at risk.

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The Sciences Required for Understanding SustainabilityEnvironment

A problem cannot be solved using the same thought that created it.

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TTIP – What It Is About and What We WantFinance and Economy

Negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (the EU-US Free Trade Agreement) have the potential to undermine environmental, social and labour rights. As Greens, we must work to make the process more transparent and fight any attempt to lower standards.

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No Such Thing as Internet Freedom, Says Your Virtual LandlordDemocracy

A broad public debate and continuous campaign is needed to ensure that governmental invasion of our private information is kept to a minimum, but the PRISM revelation may be the tipping point that brings this about.

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Sweden: We Must Reach Out to Everyone in the SuburbsWelfare and Social Issues

The social unrest in the Swedish suburbs is the result of increasing social cleavages.

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Portugal: When Fiction Becomes RealityFinance and Economy

The failed austerity strategy imposed by the Troika is coming under increasing criticism, sometimes from unexpected corners. The time has come for a renegotiation of the debt incurred by the Portuguese State.

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The Energiewende – the Result of a Powerful Mass Movement from BelowClimate and Energy

Fifteen years ago, the liberalisation of the energy market and passage of the Renewable Energy Resources Act turned Germany’s energy market on its head.

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Smart Growth – Twelve ThesesPost-Growth

A relationship with, not against, nature should be one of the core principles of ‘green growth’.

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