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The Crisis and Europe’s Environmental Roll-BackEnvironment

In Greece, probably one of the first victims of austerity has been environmental protection, just at the moment where there can be no response to the crisis without considering the environmental dimension. A recent article by the WWF takes issue with the EU response to the crisis which has seen environmental protection sidelined like never before.

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Parallel Currencies Are No Alternative for the EuroFinance and Economy

While there is a growing consensus that it is now unlikely that any country will leave the Euro. However, other groups suggest that parallel currencies for northern countries alongside the Euro may be better for Europe, but this is hotly contested.

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How Powerful Interests Undermine the Energy Transition in EuropeClimate and Energy

The European Union (EU) is currently setting out its climate and energy policy framework for 2030.

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The Success Story of the ‘right2water’ European Citizens InitiativeDemocracy

“Right2water” is the first successful European Citizens’ Initiative and has got everyone talking about water. What accounts for the success of this initiative, and how can others learn from it?

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Triumph of the German MotherPolitics

Angela Merkel fell just a few MP’s short of getting an absolute majority in the German Bundestag. The ironic title of “the Queen of Europe” doesn’t sound too ironic after these elections.

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Too Many Numbers, Not Enough MessagesPolitics

A first analysis of the Greens’ campaign in the German Federal elections and of the role played by finance policy.

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Hospitality and Integration in Europe: Croatia’s ExperienceWelfare and Social Issues

Both multicultural and assimilationist models of integration have difficulties, but the intercultural approach could offer a way to move beyond concepts of majority and minority, host society and newcomers, and become a new model for Europe.

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New Strategy, New PositioningPolitics

On 29 September 2013, Austria went to the polls. The results gave the Greens 12,4% of the vote, a plus of 2%.

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Minimum Wage in Danger: German ElectionsWelfare and Social Issues

Now that Merkel has triumphed in the German elections, one of the opposition’s main aims - the establishment of a national minimum wage - is likely to miss the boat and be left behind. Prospects are bleak for the growing numbers of working poor.

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The Convivialist ManifestoDemocracy

A declaration of independence.

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