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Success or Failure? A Discussion of the Outcome of the ECI Unconditional Basic Income in GermanyWelfare and Social Issues

Success or failure? That is the question supporters in Germany of an Unconditional Basic Income have to ask themselves following the end, on 14 January, of the European Citizens’ Initiative, which for technical reasons did not quite run for a full year.

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Germany’s Backdoor Bail-OutPolitics

The sovereign bail-outs of Greece, Ireland, Spain and other countries are often framed as loans handed out to the poor, irresponsible countries of the periphery by rich, responsible countries like Germany. They might come with very harsh conditions attached, but their aim is nonetheless to help the recipients. But is that really the case?

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Reawakening the Spirit of Gezi: Popular Resistance to Istanbul’s ‘Pharaonic’ ProjectsWelfare and Social Issues

Popular protest may have saved Gezi Park, but elsewhere in Turkey the destruction on the environment in pursuit of private profit continues. The Green Though Foundation organised a conference to discuss the challenges posed by these developments and what they say about politics in modern Turkey.

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Kogo naprawdę ratują pożyczki dla zadłużonych europejskich krajów?

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Universities are the Factories of the FutureDemocracy

Yann Moulier Boutang thinks of us as bees. Each day we pollinate millions of digital platforms producing intelligence, information and interactions that form the core of the new economy. As part of an on-going reflection on the form capitalism will take in the future, the magazine Usbek & Rica interviewed Yann Moulier Boutang, an economist close to the Italian philosopher Toni Negri and also to the French Greens.

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From the Energy to the Agricultural TransitionAgriculture

Nearly 30,000 people took to the streets of Berlin on January 18, 2014 to protest the industrialisation of farming and the E.U.-U.S Free Trade Agreement currently under negotiation. In addition to making their demands heard, the organisers gave a voice and a face to Agrarwende, a citizen movement that is gaining steam in Germany and that calls for a rethinking of agriculture.

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Is the EU’s New Common Agricultural Policy Greener?Agriculture

Though many of the Commission’s reform proposals have been watered down, the Greens scored some notable successes in ensuring a ‘greening’ of the CAP. What are these, and what do they mean for European farming?

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Greens and Pirates: in Search of a New Majority for the Commons?Democracy

Once you make a commons together, you can have different political visions, but what you share is this desire to construct and protect the commons. Interview with Michel Bauwens, theorist and activist, co-founder of the Peer-to-Peer Foundation.

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Italy: the Very Idea of Democracy in DangerDemocracy

The turmoil the Italian political landscape has been traversing of late is particularly worrisome. Not so much for the political instability but more for the political blindness that it reveals and which risks destroying the fundamentals of the very idea of democracy itself. While the current government continues the politics of austerity imposed by the European Union, the reform of the political architecture is still missing.

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Greece Needs to Plan for a Sustainable Tourism ModelEnvironment

Greece ranks 15th globally in the number of tourist visitors each year, making the industry a major part of its economy. However for all the benefits the industry brings, poor management and planning threatens the beautiful landscape on which it is based. Recently passed laws look set to make this situation even worse, but WWF is proposing alternatives that can protect Greece’s tourist industry and its environment.

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