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Forbidding Overfishing in EuropeEnvironment

An interview with Swedish Green MEP Isabella Lövin on overfishing in Europe.

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Improving LGBT Rights in Times of a Conservative ReactionWelfare and Social Issues

An interview with Austrian Green MEP Ulrike Lunacek, who addresses LGBT issues and EU enlargement to the Eastern European countries.

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Green Victories for Digital RightsWelfare and Social Issues

An interview with German Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht on his struggles for digital rights in the European Parliament.

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A Tough Fight On Social IssuesWelfare and Social Issues

An interview with Jean Lambert, MEP for the United Kingdom.

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Climate/Energy: The Empire Strikes BackEnvironment

An interview with Claude Turmes, Green MEP from Luxembourg (Die Greng).

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The Green European FightsFuture of EU

One of the primary conclusions of the past five years is that the days of “easy politics” are gone, we have moved to an era of “hard politics.”

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Giving Streets, and Power, to the PeoplePolitics

A referendum to pedestrianise a street in Vienna, though successful, forced to Greens to examine their narrative for creating a greener city. How do they build support among those who are still suspicious of what a green transformation can offer?

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Reconciling Town and Nature: an Experiment in ParisGreen Transition

As Green Deputy Mayor of the 20th district of Paris from 2001 to 2014, Fabienne Giboudeaux, initiated an architectural complex of 47 social housing units, a gymnasium and a 600 m2 roof garden in one of the most densely populated district of Paris.

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How to Elect a Green MayorPolitics

Against the tide of right and far-right success in the French local elections, the Greens scored a big win in the race for Mayor of Grenoble. In doing so, they created a new and vibrant alternative to the left of the Socialists. What can we learn from this?

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The Dutch Far-right StumblesDemocracy

Once again, the Dutch politician Geert Wilders and his far-right party, the PVV (Freedom Party), found themselves in the headlines. At an election meeting Wilders made racist remarks and stood by them. It is a distasteful development that will have consequences beyond the Netherlands.

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