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The Presidency of the Commission: From Europe of the States to the Europe of the PeopleDemocracy

In the European elections, European citizens were for the first time given the opportunity to vote for a common European candidate to take the Presidency of the Commission. Yet now it seems uncertain whether this promise will materialise. The outcome will either reinforce or lessen the deficit of legitimacy in the EU.

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After the European electionsPolitics

With elections behind us, what kind of European Parliament is now being formed? The results paint a fragmented picture, with significant losses weakening the centre in favour of an increased presence of the radical right and left.

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What Can We Expect from the Next Orbán Government?Politics

Using the symbolic politics of ‘government of the people for the people’, Orban secured a comfortable re-election. He skillfully captured shifting political moods, and helped fracture the left. However his future plans remain unclear, and Hungary may now witness a battle between right and far-right.

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Let Europe Remember the Great WarSociety, Media and Culture

Stories about the Great War are usually confined to a national perspective. The war of 1914-918, which decimated a whole generation of Europe’s population and marked those who survived for life, is hardly ever commemorated jointly. This ought to change.

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Internationalism or ‘German jobs’: the German Free Trade Unions and WWIWelfare and Social Issues

How can we explain the shift in the prevailing attitude among the leadership of Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Free Trade Unions at the beginning of World War I? In the space of a few days, a position of fervent opposition was replaced by patriotic support for the government’s military ambitions, and the reasons behind this change remain the subject of debate.

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Pathways to a Europe of the CitizensDemocracy

The time has come to review the democratic workings of the European Union. Ideally, this should be the subject of a new Convention, but it is also possible to strengthen, here and now, European democracy.

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For a Political Community for the EuroFinance and Economy

Beginning in the fall of 2013, three manifestos published by German and French intellectuals revived the idea of establishing a “Political Community for the Euro” to give the single currency a true system of democratic governance.

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Counter-Democracy To the Rescue of EuropeFuture of EU

Europe is dead. Or is it long live Europe? There are those who believe the threat of paralysis and dissolution remains, and those who optimistically seize any small positive sign as a reason to announce (yet again) that Europe’s crises can serve as a springboard.

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What Difference Can It Make? A Comparison of the Parties’ Electoral ManifestosPolitics

As the different European Parties unveil their election manifestos, we can see real differences in the direction that each of them want to take Europe over the coming years. The voters will have a real choice in next month’s European Parliament election.

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Political Ecology is a Martial ArtPolitics

Greens are impatient people. The sentiment of urgency has been fuelling their calls for radical change over the past four decades.

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