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“The climate debate is over”: An impression of the People’s Climate MarchClimate and Energy

Images of the People’s Climate March that took place in New York on September 21st have circulated around the world, along with pictures from many other cities. Yet being a part of such a massive and important mobilisation, characterised more than ever by pluralism and diversity, was a truly unique sensation.

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Nine months later: A victory for the right to choosePolitics

Civil society pressure, upcoming elections, and a lack of consensus within the Popular Party led to plans for the restriction of abortion to be abandoned – and caused the resignation of the Spanish Justice Minister last week.

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Reconciling social justice and local democracy in the new UKWelfare and Social Issues

One of the most interesting consequences of the Scottish independence referendum is likely to be revision of how the UK ensures the economic welfare of its most vulnerable citizens through its currently highly centralised social security system.

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Fighting global warming is a marathon, not a sprintClimate and Energy

Climate change is the biggest threat and the greatest challenge that our civilisation has ever faced and no single country is able to solve this problem on its own. This is why World leaders must urgently achieve an ambitious and binding agreement.

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Why the whole UK now needs a new Constitutional ConventionDemocracy

Scotland has voted No in the referendum on independence, but the outcome was close, relative to expectations at the start of the campaign. The closeness of the vote, as well as the reasons cited by so many in Scotland for voting ‘Yes’, show that the ‘United Kingdom compact’ is no longer fit for purpose.

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Catalonia Wants to DecideDemocracy

Catalonia is a region with its own distinct culture and language and has long been seeking greater political autonomy. With opinion polls now showing a large majority of Catalans support self-government, and with the rise of other independence movements around Europe, pressure is mounting on Spain to deliver reform.

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Swedish election results: disappointment and victory?Politics

The national elections in Sweden on September 14th, 2014, were a victory for the parties at the fringes, with the Feminist Initiative and the far-right Sweden Democrats both witnessing a surge in support, while the parties in government lost out. For the Greens it was a mixed outcome – disappointing results overall, yet also bringing a chance to enter the government for the first time.

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Letter: What’s at Stake – the Future of Europe lies in the Future of UkraineFuture of EU

Ukrainian author Jurij Andruchowytsch, jointly with numerous intellectuals, calls for solidarity with Ukraine in an open letter to the German government.

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Who will decide the Scottish referendum? The dispossessedPolitics

The Yes campaign in Scotland – which includes Greens and progressives of all parties and none – has inspired a vast swathe of the country that has been ignored by the neoliberal parties. If this demographic turns out to vote on the 18th of September, it could determine the result…

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Green, left, growing – lessons from the Greens in England and WalesPolitics

‘Neither left nor right, but forward’ has been a semi-official motto of many Green Parties across Europe since their inception in the 1960s and ‘70s. But as the Green Party of England & Wales’ (GPEW) Autumn Conference drew to a close this weekend, the party appears to be maintaining or indeed continuing its leftward drive. The implications could be interesting both for Britain and for Green Parties elsewhere.

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