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What Art Can Do for DemocracySociety, Media and Culture

The use of creative elements in political forums develops interaction and empathy, leading to greater awareness supportive of political change.

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Eyes on Germany: Migration Divides Generations of GreensMigration

The younger generations of German Greens are at odds with the pragmatic approach of the party’s leadership on migration.

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Dutch Elections: What Wilders’s Victory Means for the Green-Labour AllianceDemocracy

Though Wilders's victory represents a serious blow to the Green-Left alliance and the progressive future of the Netherlands, it also is an opportunity.

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The Only Green in the HouseDemocracy

As a member of the UK Parliament, Caroline Lucas has shown the difference even a single Green in the room can make.

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The Po Valley: An Italian paradox Environment

Over-exploitation, pollution, and land consumption are exacerbating the effects of climate change in Italy's Pianura Padana.

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Desperation for RefrigerationClimate and Energy

Seen as a necessity, the fridge is turning into a luxury item. Has it become a guilty environmental consumer trap?

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Ksenia Svetlova: The Left in Israel After 7 OctoberGeopolitics

The same people who failed to prevent Hamas's attack on 7 October, are also poisoning public discourse in Israel.

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EU-Iran: A Crucial Dialogue  Geopolitics

Can an increasingly vulnerable nuclear deal remain on the table amid regional unrest and counter-allegiances? 

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Armin Langer: Fighting Antisemitism and Islamophobia in GermanyGeopolitics

Hamas’s attack on 7 October and Israel’s retaliation led to a wave of antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe. How do we address this?

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Source of Division: Bulgaria’s Contested Green TransitionGreen Transition

Media coverage frames Bulgaria’s green transition as an imposition from Brussels that will damage the country’s coal-intensive economy.

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