Aaron Sterniczky

Aaron Sterniczky holds a PhD in Political Science, studied in Vienna, Warsaw, Munich, and Oxford. He runs a consultancy agency based in Vienna, his focus lies on the digital transformation of markets and societies.


A Future to Invest In: Why Green Finance is Gaining Ground

The rise of green finance is not a change of heart, rather it's a response to an increasingly unstable world, and therefore investment market.

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Let the Machine Do It

Advances in labour-saving technology promise to radically restructure the labour market. The political challenge is to ensure the benefits are shared by all.

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Promise and Prejudice: When Algorithms Decide

As algorithms take more and more decisions for us, the moral, social, and political consequences of their processes must be examined.

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To Fear or Not to Fear the Robot

Most politicians turn a blind eye but it has never been more crucial - how can we prepare for artificial intelligence's increasing power and role in our lives?

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Green Observatory: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Experts and politicians around Europe discuss the state of the AI and robotics debate in their country and the position of the Green party.

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The Robot and Donald Trump: Technology and the Rise of Populism in the West

What can be done to reconcile technological progress and civic democracy?

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Here in Budapest, Where We Belong

Why is Hungary's Central European University under threat? One of its professors explains what's going on.

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