No World Order

Shifting alliances, rearranging trade flows, and a changing climate: these are the dynamics shaping our world and Europe’s potential role in it. As the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world, the US and China, increasingly face off against one another, how can the EU contribute to bridging gaps and ensure their collaboration on climate, even while competing in other fields? What role will other nations play, from Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America? How will events intrude?

More on these crucial questions in our new monthly column “No World Order”, curated by Raluca Besliu.

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Articles in this focus

What Next for Georgia’s European Dream?  

Continued support from European institutions amidst rise of the far right is crucial for Georgia’s European aspirations. 

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Angry Farmers and Heatwaves: The Climate in India’s Elections

In India’s ongoing elections, economic and social issues are intertwined with rising temperatures and declining agricultural harvests.

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EU Red Sea Mission: Strategic Autonomy Done Wrong 

Donald Trump’s possible return prompts the EU to rethink its foreign policy. Its new mission in the Red Sea, however, is a wrong move.

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EU-Mercosur: An Opportunity for a Fair Partnership?

While EU leaders continue to bicker over the future of the EU-Mercosur deal, abandoning it is not the answer.

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No World Order: Funding Climate Justice

Climate finance is on the rise, but it is still nowhere near the scale needed to cover climate impacts and fund the global green transition.

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EU-Iran: A Crucial Dialogue  

Can an increasingly vulnerable nuclear deal remain on the table amid regional unrest and counter-allegiances? 

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The EU Must Address its Inconsistent Middle East Foreign Policy

As the Israel-Palestine crisis continues to intensify, the EU’s lack of a Middle East strategy becomes increasingly apparent.

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No World Order: Coups in the Sahel Expose Europe’s Mistakes

The recent string of coups in the Sahel highlights the fragility of Europe’s approach to the region. What should a Sahel strategy prioritise?

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No World Order: In Sudan, the Geopolitical Chessboard Unravels

Sudan’s descent into war exposes various power struggles and could bring regional tensions to boiling point.

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No World Order: Mapping the New Multipolarity

Rising powers, new alliances and rivalries, and the global challenge of climate change are reshaping world politics. What role for the EU?

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