María Dios

María Dios is a journalist specialising in EU affairs, climate policy, and the energy transition. She is the communications and outreach manager of the Green European Journal.


The Case for Sufficiency

IPCC author Yamina Saheb says we should reduce energy demand to deliver wellbeing for all. Interview by María Dios.

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A Battle for the Sea: Offshore Wind Crashes on the Galician Coast

Plans for the expansion of offshore wind in Spain were met by protests from the fishing sector, environmentalists, and civil society. The biggest backlash has come from the North Atlantic marine region. Where the lack of dialogue has led to confrontation, can climate citizens’ assemblies pave a way to just transition?

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Climate Citizens’ Assemblies Spring to Life in Europe

In a world grappling with the climate crisis, social unrest, and polarisation undermining democracy, an oasis of ideas for a better future has bloomed. It happened in Milan during the Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies. The two-day event brought to the same room the instigators of the next wave of participatory democracy that looms on the horizon. Uncover their stories, insights, and dreams for a greener tomorrow for Europe.

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