Maria Mateeva Kazakova

Maria Mateeva Kazakova has extensive consultancy experience. She has undertaken assignments for the European Commission (DG MOVE, DG Connect, DG Grow), the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, different Agencies of the European Union (INEA, EASME, ERCEA) and others. Before that she was an Advisor to the Chair of REGI Committee at the European Parliament. Maria is a GLG Council Member and former Consultant at the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services in London. She holds a PhD in Political Science (First-Class Honours distinction) from Paris Sorbonne-University (Paris II Pantheon-Assas).


Bulgaria’s Permanent Election

Bulgaria suffers from growing voter apathy, reflected in declining turnout and exacerbated by a campaign filled with propaganda and personal attacks.

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Why Bulgaria Is Shut Out of Schengen

We asked political scientist Antony Todorov what Schengen membership means for Bulgaria.

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Bulgaria’s Green Deal U-turn

After another close election, Bulgaria's commitment to green transition remains an open question.

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Is Bulgaria Stuck in a Cycle of Political Turmoil?

Bulgarians have gone to the polls four times in the last two years amid a wider context of political instability. Why?

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