Pepijn van Eden

Pepijn van Eden is a student in history, politics and ecology at Centre d’étude de la vie politique at the Free University of Brussels. Pepijn has worked for De Helling and the European Green Party. Currently, his research is focusing on politicisation and depoliticisation of ecology in Europe. Next to his scholarly engagements, Pepijn has published irregularly in dailies (Trouw), new media platforms (De Correspondent, DeWereldMorgen, Verspers) and political platforms (Oikos, Vlam, De Helling). Find a longer biography of Pepijn here.


Facing Terror: A Call for Radical Love, or a Radical Call for Love

As a Bruxellois, confronted with the terrible events in Zaventem and the Maelbeek metro station, terrorism has reached my doorstep. More than ten years after September 11th, my reaction to these attacks is very different to the one I had back then.

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