Karen Morrow

Karen Morrow has lectured at the Universities of Buckingham, Durham and Leeds and the Queen’s University of Belfast and has been a Professor at Swansea University since 2007. Karen’s research interests focus on theoretical and practical aspects of public participation in environmental law and policy and on gender and the environment. She was founding co-editor of the Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. She is a founder member and part of the core team of the related Global Network for the Study of Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE).

She serves on the editorial boards of the Environmental Law Review. She is a series editor for Edward Elgar’s Critical Reflections on Human Rights and the Environment series. She is an associate member of the Monash European and EU Law Centre and has held visiting faculty status at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven. She was a member (2013-2016) of the EU’s COST network working group on “Gender, Science, Technology and Environment” (genderSTE). She was a founding member of the Environmental and Planning law Association of Northern Ireland (EPLANI) and is a member of the United Kingdom Environmental Law Association (UKELA).


Gender in Climate Governance: Telling Numbers but Who is Listening?

The UN climate regime has a gender problem and it negatively affects our ability to combat the climate crisis.

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