Adam Ostolski

Adam Ostolski is a sociologist, columnist, and activist. He works at the University of Warsaw and is a member of Krytyka Polityczna. He was co-editor-in-chief of the Zielone Wiadomości from 2009 to 2013 and co-chair of the Polish Green Party from 2013 to 2016.


Free Together

Can ecology unify societies divided by politics serving the individual?

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Coming Out of Illiberalism

Poland's new governing coalition is making good on its pledges, but side-lining the president has exposed it to accusations of undemocratic action.

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Editorial: The Invasion of Ukraine is a Wake-up Call

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the face of foreign invasion must guide the response.

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Indirect Democracy: Referendums in Europe

Rather than judging referendums as positive or negative, we should examine their distinctive political features and contexts.

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Elinor Ostrom: The Case for a Messy Federalism

In studying real-world alternatives to state control and organisation via the market, Elinor Ostrom urges us to expand the notion of what democracy means.

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Breaking Hard Earth: A Social History of Green Politics in Poland

Green politics has long been part of Polish politics and, despite its ups and downs, it certainly has a future.

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Gender Ideology and the Crisis of Care in Poland

In Poland the incumbent right-wing Law and Justice party, backed by the Catholic Church, demonised LGBT organisations in its recent successful electoral campaign. Adam Ostolski spoke to feminist activist and scholar Agnieszka Graff about why gender politics have become central to Polish politics, taking a step back to analyse how the Right’s scapegoating of gender is a response to the same set of social issues that the Left attributes to neoliberalism.

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Link Taxes and Upload Filters Will Not Fix the Internet

An interview with the Pirate MEP on what Article 11 and 13 of the EU's proposed copyright directive could mean for internet freedom.

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Green Observatory: Basic Income

The Green European Journal asked experts, activists, and politicians from around Europe about the politics of basic income where they are.

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Basic But Transformative

Basic income offers progressives a positive vision for the future shaped around security, autonomy and social justice.

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Green Observatory: Drug Policy

From the War on Drugs to health, are changes in attitudes to drugs being reflected in policies around Europe?

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Green Observatory: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Experts and politicians around Europe discuss the state of the AI and robotics debate in their country and the position of the Green party.

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Cause for Concern: Why We Shouldn’t Feel Relieved After the Dutch Elections

Despite the expressions of relieved euphoria after the Dutch elections, there is little to celebrate.

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Neoliberalism Has Eviscerated the Fabric of Social Life

Are we witnessing a crisis of liberal democracy? Wendy Brown is interviewed on the insecurities of neoliberalism and globalisation.

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Poland Needs A Tripartite Climate Commission

In the Polish context, where environmental awareness and resistance to an energy transition is strong, a broad alliance among diverse actors in society is needed to tackle climate change, such as trade unions and other potential partners.

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Greens and Pirates: in Search of a New Majority for the Commons?

Once you make a commons together, you can have different political visions, but what you share is this desire to construct and protect the commons. Interview with Michel Bauwens, theorist and activist, co-founder of the Peer-to-Peer Foundation.

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Black Tradition, Green Future

Greens need to forge a broad alliance against neoliberalism with some unexpected allies, such as the coal miners. Ahead of COP 19 which takes place this year in Warsaw, Poland how can the green movement in Poland move forward?

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