Edouard Gaudot

Edouard Gaudot is a historian and political scientist. He has worked at the College of Europe in Warsaw and in the European Parliament. He is a teacher, consultant, and writer. His latest book is Les 7 Piliers de la Cité (Plon, 2022).


A Disaffected Generation? The Youth Vote and Europe’s Future 

As EU elections approach, there is a perception of a disengaged youth. Is this picture accurate and can it change?

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From Strategic Autonomy to a Non-Aligned Europe

Edouard Gaudot offers a way out of Europe’s geopolitical irrelevance.

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Leadership in Crisis: Being Ready for Sudden Change

The dominant leadership model is a desperate attempt to hold together an unsustainable status quo. But political change is brewing. Here’s how Greens should prepare.

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Can the EU Lead the World on Climate?  

The Green Deal cannot succeed without a strong external dimension. This is an opportunity for the EU, says Nathalie Tocci.

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What Is Green Leadership?

Faced with the inevitable failures of populism and technocracy, politics must rediscover its practical, communal and collective dimension. With this conversation, Edouard Gaudot and Natalie Bennett introduce a new series they co-curated on leadership in crisis, and explore the alternatives that Green thinking can offer.

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From the Streets to the Institutions 

Edouard Gaudot looks back on the Gilets jaunes to ask how ecology can find its form in popular movements.

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Is Bulgaria Stuck in a Cycle of Political Turmoil?

Bulgarians have gone to the polls four times in the last two years amid a wider context of political instability. Why?

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Critical Understanding: The Changing Politics of Science

Etienne Klein speaks to Edouard Gaudot about truth, democratising science and the uncertainty inherent in scientific inquiry.

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Benedict Anderson: Reimagined, Re-engineered, and Restored Communities

Taking a page from Benedict Anderson’s book to build compelling narratives and teach “Earth patriotism”.

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Editorial: The Invasion of Ukraine is a Wake-up Call

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the face of foreign invasion must guide the response.

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Double or Quits: Looking Ahead to the French and Hungarian Elections

The outcomes of crucial elections this year are set to have ramifications going well beyond national borders.

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Greens in France Must Build a Narrative For the Past, Present, and Future

Green MEP David Cormand explains how the Greens can challenge the neoliberal and far-right duopoly in the French presidential elections of 2022.

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The People’s Parliament: A Home for European Democracy

The European Parliament bears the responsibility for nurturing the development of a truly trans-European citizenry.

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Defining Democracy for a Sovereign Europe

Shahin Vallée and Franziska Brantner debate European democracy, transnational politics, and the meaning of sovereignty.

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Between Common Currency and Common Values

Short-term fixes in times of crisis are no longer enough if the Eurozone is the key to an ever closer union.

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Democracy is the Key to Renewing the EU’s Legitimacy

Are the charges of being undemocratic that are consistently levelled at the European Union justified?

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The Conference on the Future of Europe: Sparking Hope for EU Democracy?

The Conference on the Future of Europe can kickstart the constitutional development of the EU if citizens are heard.

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Ecology Starts at School

School has fulfilled its mission by giving us tools to find knowledge but it hasn’t been able to prepare us for the challenge of the 21st century.

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Only Transnational Politics Can Break Europe’s Deadlock

Germany has shifted its position to unlock the route to an EU recovery fund. But Europe still needs a political alternative to inter-governmental deadlock.

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Imagining a Virtuous Break with the Modern Age

Abundance and Freedom by Pierre Charbonnier is an environmental history of ideas that links changing patterns in land use to political thought as it developed in the modern era.

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Threads of Political Ecology: A Review

A selection mapping some of the major currents that have shaped political ecology in recent years and which continue to do so.

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Notes from a New Europe

What if the Green Wave of 2019 kept on going? What if the Greens become a major player in political majorities?

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Breaking Europe’s Double Deadlock

French President Macron's bid to reform Europe has missed vital opportunities. Carefully built alliances and transnational politics are key to effectively changing Europe.

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The European Republic on the World Stage

Under the leadership of foreign policy chief Sofia Belver-Tamarashvili, the European Republic becomes a global force for social and environmental justice.

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A narrative to combat, and eliminate, the terrorist threat

Terrorism cannot just be policed away. Preventing attacks requires a sustained social project to build a resilient and inclusive society.

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After Europe – Thinking About Europe with the Help of Ivan Krastev

Reflections on Europe joining the dots of migration, populism, and democracy in the light of Ivan Krastev's latest book.

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Cities to the Rescue

Cities could become a welcoming and protective hub for refugees in Europe - but not without financial support to stimulate their economy and create jobs. An interview with Gesine Schwan.

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‘Ugly Bruxy’ or Bruxelles ‘Re-belle’?

Brussels can teach us a lot about city politics and urban planning. Today, citizen movements and progressive forces, including Green parties, are changing the city.

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Engine Breakdown or Power Shortage? How the Franco-German Engine Is No Longer Driving Europe

Since the outset, the ‘Franco-German engine’ has been the driving force in the European construction process.

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The Ocean: From Colonised Territory to Global Nation

The approach of European states to the surrounding waters has so far been inscribed in a logic of colonisation and conquering new territories in the name of national interest.

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Just How Much Will it Take to Save Europe?

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s investment plan to kickstart the European economy proposes solutions based on the outdated assumption that growth in terms of construction of large infrastructure projects is the way forward. A more imaginative approach would be to look beyond this, and to put welfare and sustainability at the core of an ambitious long-term plan, which could make Europe’s economic future seem much more bright.

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Advances and setbacks: the European elections from a green perspective

What made these European elections of 2014 so notable? For the first time, the European parties nominated joint leading candidates. This led not only to a greater personalisation of the European electoral campaign but also gave the elections a real pan-European dimension. What does the outcome mean for the Greens, and what conclusions can be drawn?

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Political Ecology is a Martial Art

Greens are impatient people. The sentiment of urgency has been fuelling their calls for radical change over the past four decades.

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Never Closer Union? The British Test

In a context of an economic crisis and with public finances under stress, the on-going round of negotiations over the next EU Budget and the European legislation for the regulation of the financial industry have taken the British debate on Europe to a new level.

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Delivering hope – is there a green answer to the challenges raised by the rise of the Front National?

The success of the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in the first round of the French Presidential election, and the success of similar nationalistic parties in other European countries, has left many wondering how the greens and progressive forces should respond to this perceived threat to European values. Edouard Gaudot suggests that the answer lies in offering hope to those who feel rejected by the political and economic system.

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Is There a Green Answer to the Front National?

The success of the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in the first round of the French Presidential election, and the success of similar nationalistic parties in other European countries, has left many wondering how the greens and progressive forces should respond to this perceived threat to European values.

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