Jamie Kendrick

Jamie Kendrick is political advisor on European affairs at the European Green Party (EGP). He was formerly editor-in-chief of the Green European Journal. 


Free Together

Can ecology unify societies divided by politics serving the individual?

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Divided in Ecology

From national leaders calling for a pause to the European Green Deal to the online Right’s re-invention of the “15-minute city” as an authoritarian project for social control, the signs of an anti-green backlash are growing. Compared to the heady days of the Green Wave, it is clear that green politics in Europe has entered a new phase.

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Bringing Europe’s Economic Governance Down to Earth

Paolo Gentiloni and Philippe Lamberts discuss on whether a post-growth Europe can fight inequality and protect the planet.

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Solidarity in an Age of Shocks

More than just short-term turbulence, the cost of living crisis signals that Europe’s social, geopolitical, and ecological security rests on rebalancing a failing socio-economic model.

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Lessons Unlearned

Any project of building a different society goes hand in hand with reimagining education. For Greens, this is a potential too precious to pass up.

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Editorial: The Invasion of Ukraine is a Wake-up Call

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the face of foreign invasion must guide the response.

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Powers at Play

As challenges of interdependence grow and states turn further inwards, green politics can make an essential progressive contribution to the debate on Europe's geopolitical stance.

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Turning the Tide

As the movement that politicised the relationship between society and nature in the West, green politics is at the forefront of not just democracy’s defence, but its reinvention.

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Storytelling in the Eye of the Storm: The Pandemic Through the Lens of Environmental Breakdown

A conversation with the acclaimed novelist on the parallels between the climate crisis and the pandemic, and imagining alternatives for our interconnected world.

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2020 Year Zero

The health crisis has been a clear moment of rupture but change will depend on the choices, movements, and ideas that define our response.

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The Carbon Divide: The Material Basis of Polarisation

Far-right populism and green politics are now rivals in opposite corners of a polarised political ring.

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From Global Tax Dodging to Worldwide Wellbeing

This imagined news article describes a Europe where revenues recuperated from tax evasion and avoidance are invested back into wellbeing for the benefit of society and the environment.

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Work in Motion

The editorial team presents the 17th thematic edition, “Work on the Horizon”, and sets forth why the future of work represents the key political challenge of our time.

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